Modern Web Development Software Company
We build tailored apps built to fit your business needs.
Rapid Software Development.
Test Driven Design Practices.
"Military Grade" Security Graded Applications.
South African Flag Based in South Africa.
Technologies we use
Alpine JS
Node JS
Tailwind CSS

We Are Web Artisans

Our Customers

The Process

The first step to any project, is planning. With our design team, you will work through relevant questions for us to learn about your business needs. We'll carefully analyze your requirements and define your website's purpose and goals. This is also where we determine who your target audience will be. They're defined by their age, interests and habits. Having these questions answered, will help us pick the correct design style for your website. In this step, we'll also get acquainted with your website's content. What kind of information will the target audience be looking for on your website? Is it specific information regarding a product or service, online shopping, or maybe something else?
Goal: To have a schedule with a rough plan.
Using the information gathered from phase one, we'll put together a detailed website plan. A site map is developed. The site map is the list of all main topic areas of the website, including sub-topics if applicable. This map will clarify what content will be on the website and will help to u4derstand the navigational structure. The future customers are end-users of the website - their journey has to be as simple as possible. The basis of an easy-to-navigate website is an excellent user interface.
As part of the design process, it is essential to carefully and tastefully apply such visual elements as the logo and brand colours, to strengthen the brand identity on the website. If you don't have an applicable CI (Corporate Identity), we can help you develop it too.
At this point, the project's design direction should be well formed. Depending on the complexity of the design, ext4a design effort is required to transform it into HTML/CSS, add a layer of animations or JavaScript. As the main feature of the website, the homepage is usually started first.
During this phase, elements such as interactive content, forms and e-commerce shopping carts are made functional. You'll be able to see changes applied so corrections can be made easily.
When the content and visuals are in place, the testing process can be started. Every page is tested to make sure that all links are working and the website is displayed correctly in different devices and browsers. Even the word order in titles and descriptions has an impact on the webpage performance in various search engines. Later, when you have some traffic on your website, you can apply A/B testing techniques to find the optimal combination.
Delivery and Launch
Once final approval is given, it is time for the website to go live. But before you can launch, a deployment plan is put together. Any future changes to your website will follow this deployment plan to ensure it goes smoothly. We'll also run through your website for the last time. At this point, your domain should also already be registered.
Once your website is live, some regular maintenance is usually required. User testing can be run on new content and features over and over to improve usability and discoverability of features. This can lead to new design and development tasks. As your business develops, so can your design and development.

Solution Orientated Development

Laravel Enterprise Solutions
API Development
eCommerce Platform Development
Rent Application Development
Software as a Service
Realtime Applications
Subscription Based Software Development
Multi-Tenant Software Development
Logistics Software Development
Stock Control Software Development
Projection Software Development
Futuristic Software Development
Communication Software Development
Notification Software Development
Automation Software Development
Internet of Things (IoT) Software Development
Appointment Software Development
Queue Management Software Development
Hotel Management Software Development
Courier Management Software Development
Entertainment Software Development
Streaming Solutions
High Traffic Solutions
Media Integration Solutions
Energy & Solar Software Development
Manufacturing Software Development
Mining Software Development
Content Management System (CMS) Software Development
Web Development
Online Marketing
Digital Design
We Service The World
Countries We've Worked For
South Africa
United States (US)
United Kingdom (UK)